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Rocky Linux Summer of Docs 2024

Project: Desktop User Documentation Enhancement

The goal of our first Rocky Linux (RL) Summer of Docs initiative is to create a new documentation category for Enterprise Linux Desktop Users.

This project, inspired by the highly esteemed and eponymous Google Season of Docs project, aims to fill a gap in the current RL documentation.

By developing comprehensive, user-friendly, and multilingual desktop user guides, we can expand RL's user base and improve its usability. This will make Rocky Linux more appealing to a wider audience, strengthening its position in the enterprise Linux market.


  • Develop a framework and template for contributing desktop-focused documentation.
  • Create user-friendly guides for desktop users.
  • Craft guides tailored for both general and accessibility-focused use.
  • Translate documentation into multiple languages.


  • June 15 - June 30: Initial assessment, sprint planning, participant selection, onboarding, topic selection, and setup for virtual desktop environment.
  • July 1 - August 30: Content creation and translations.
  • Sept 1 - Sept 15: Revisions based on community feedback and final translations.

Application Process

This project is open to everyone. Interested candidates should email with any of the following:

  • Portfolios or other open-source contributions
  • Proposed topics/titles for RL desktop documentation
  • Preferred languages for translation


  • Contribute 5 original desktop-focused guides to the new "Desktop" category and receive $200 (up to $1000).
  • Review and translate 4 desktop-focused guides and receive $100 (up to $500).

The goal is to add at least 25 new documents and 20 translations to the new Desktop category.